
Welcome to Katya Blooms, where my enchanting worlds of gardening, homeschooling, and photography collide! I’m Katya, a 32-year-old housewife, mom, and unabashed green thumb based in the sun-kissed landscapes of Florida. Nestled between the joys of homemaking, the beautiful chaos of motherhood, and the educational adventures of homeschooling, I’ve discovered my serene sanctuary in the captivating universe of plants.

As a proud “crazy plant lady,” my home boasts a haven of lush greenery. From the vibrant succulents gracing my windowsills to the delicate dance of flowers in my garden, each leaf whispers tales of patience, nurturing, and the pure joy of growth. Amidst the daily rhythm of family life, my passion for plants intertwines seamlessly with my love for animals, bringing tranquility and harmony to our home.

Katya with a Plant

Beyond the blooms and bedtime stories, I’m here to share my multi-faceted journey with you. Whether you’re a fellow plant enthusiast seeking gardening inspiration, a parent eager to incorporate a touch of nature into homeschooling, or simply someone looking for a virtual friend in life’s wild journey – welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Join me in celebrating the everyday magic of plants, the whimsical moments of family life, and the unconditional love that our furry friends offer. From homeschooling adventures to capturing the beauty of our green oasis through the lens of my camera, let’s grow together, nurture what matters, and find joy in the small, green moments that make life truly extraordinary.

Thank you for stepping into my world. I’m excited to connect, share, and inspire with you!

With love and greenery,